How to pay for Tucha cloud services on the self-service portal

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  4. How to pay for Tucha cloud services on the self-service portal

We answer a frequent question from our clients: how to make payment easily through the international electronic payment system PayPal or using classic Bank Transfer. These methods will be useful for customers who pay for cloud services from abroad.

You can make payments using PayPal, Bank Transfer and at the same time manage your invoices on the WHMCS self-service portal – a billing system designed for mutual settlements with foreign clients. In this article, we will provide instructions and essential details regarding registration on the portal and payment processes for each available method.

How to register in the system
Section 1. How to register in the system

Through the self-service portal, all payments are made to the bank details of the Polish company Tucha Sp. z o.o. using either the PayPal payment system or bank transfer. Accordingly, all payment transactions must adhere to Polish legislation.

If you wish to create an account on the portal, here we provide a visual sequence of actions.

1. Go to the WHMCS portal:

If necessary, change the language of the interface using the language switcher located at the top of the panel:

In this section press the Register button

2. Fill in the fields with the data required to create an account on the portal. 

The main requirement for registration is to provide a complete registration address, including country, city (region), street, house or apartment, and postal code. This applies to both individual and legal entities. 

At the same time, we would like to draw your attention to several important points regarding VAT calculation when generating invoices for the services selected by the client. The amount of VAT depends on several factors:

  • client status — individual or legal entity;
  • country of the client registration.

For individuals

  • When registering a client from an EU country, the amount of tax will be added to the number of ordered services, depending on the client's country of registration. Each EU country has a different rate of VAT in accordance with its legislation. Tax payment is the responsibility of the service provider, which is the company Tucha.

Such a payment  is reflected in the service provider's Declaration VIU-DO - Deklaracja dla rozliczania podatku VAT w zakresi projecije unijnej (Declaration for the calculation of VAT tax within the EU procedure) in section: C.2. Świadczenie usług z państwa członkowskiego identyfikacji oraz stałego miejsca prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej poza Unią Europejską oraz dostawy towarów wysyłanych lub transportowanych z państwa członkowskiego identyfikacji (C.2. Provision of services from the member state of identification and permanent place of business outside the European Union and supply of goods sent or transported from the participant's state of identification).

  • When registering from a country that is not part of the EU, the invoice is not subject to taxation.

Such a service provider's transaction is reflected in the Deklaracja JPK_V7M - Deklaracja dla podatku od towarow i usług (Declaration of tax on goods and services) in the line: Dostawa towarow oraz świednacz usług poza territorio kraju (Delivery of goods and provision of services outside the territory of the region).

For legal entities

  • When registering from an EU country, it is necessary to enter the name and legal address of the company, the name and surname of the director, as well as the NIP of the company (or VAT (TAX) number). The invoice is not subject to taxation.

Such a transaction will be displayed in the service provider's VAT-UE Declaration. In this case, the legal entity in the EU country is responsible for paying VAT.

  • When registering from a country outside the EU, be sure to specify the company name, legal address and company registration code. The invoice is also not subject to taxation. 

In the service provider's Deklaracji JPK_V7M - Deklaracja dla podatku od towarów i usług (Declaration JPK_V7M - Declaration on Goods and Services Tax), the transaction is displayed as follows:  Dostawa towarów oraz świadczenie usług poza terytorium kraju (Sale outside the territory of the region).

For customers from Poland

  • When registering clients from Poland (both individuals and legal entities), a tax of 23% is added to the amount of ordered services. In the JPK_V7M Declaration, the service provider shows the transaction as follows: Dostawa towarów oraz świadczenie usług na terytorium kraju, opodatkowane stawką 22% albo 23%  (Regional sale).

An important note regarding the registration of all legal entities on the portal! If during the registration of the company (legal entity) the company's NIP (VAT (TAX) number) (for VAT payers) or registration code (for non-VAT payers) is not indicated, then the responsibility in international accounting will default to the individual entity who provided incomplete data. It is also impossible to process documents without a company code.

After filling out all the necessary fields in the Personal Information, Billing Address, Additional Required Information subsections, go to the last one — Account Security, where you need to enter the account password. Here, you have the option to either create a password yourself securely (as we explained in a separate article) or generate a password using the system. To do this, click the Generate Password button, and then Copy to clipboard & Insert. The password will be copied and used for the first login.

After the password is automatically sent to the email address you provided, we recommend changing the password immediately upon logging in

Next, we proceed to the verification code (Captcha) and confirm that we have read and agreed to the terms of service by checking the corresponding box ✅. Click the Register button.

At this point, you can save your login details. 

3. After registration, the client will receive an automated email confirmation containing their login credentials (username and password) for accessing the system at the email address provided during registration. 

The email address provided during registration is used as the Login.

Section 2. Where to obtain and how to pay invoices

When a client orders any Tucha service, an invoice is generated automatically and displayed on the main page of the system in the Invoices section or in the Billing -> My Invoices tab. The invoice can be downloaded, printed and paid.

In order to make a payment, click on the desired invoice and a PDF document will open. In the Payment Method section, select the desired option — PayPal or Bank Transfer.


In order to pay for the cloud services through the payment system, in the invoice, click the PayPal Check Out button at the top of the document, after which the system will automatically redirect you to the PayPal website for payment.

On the PayPal page, you need to enter your payment system (buyer) credentials. You can also pay directly through the payment system on the PayPal website. Tucha account name in the payment system:

For payment through bank transfers in euros

To pay for services in euros, select Bank Transfer as the payment method in the invoice. In the upper part of the document will appear the details of the Polish bank's euro account, which can be used to make the payment.

Also, for convenience, we duplicate the details for paying for services in euros:

Bank name: PKO Bank Polski SA
Rachunek bieżący:
IBAN: PL31 1020 2892 0000 5002 0777 7842

To pay for the services from Poland

To receive an invoice, clients from Poland are recommended to contact the specialists of the mutual settlements service, who will quickly create and send the necessary document.

We also provide details for paying for the services to customers from Poland:

Bank name: PKO Bank Polski SA
Rachunek bieżący:
IBAN: PL 74 1020 2892 0000 5602 0643 6234

Important information! When paying for services using bank transfers (both from Poland and from other countries), please indicate the number of the invoice you are paying for. This will help us identify your payment more quickly.

Invoice numbers are displayed in the Billing -> My Invoices section and directly in the generated invoice: