Overclock to the max: how to use 100% of the cloud capabilities
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- Overclock to the max: how to use 100% of the cloud capabilities
Practice shows that not all customers know about the real capabilities of cloud servers and do not always use 100% of their resources. Therefore, we have described several cases using TuchaFlex+ as an example of how to "squeeze" the most out of the cloud. Let us start with an accountant, and then we will gradually reach a network with offices and branches.
One of the most common mistakes is that an accountant transfers part of data and applications to the cloud and stores the rest on a local computer. Somewhat, it makes work with the server pointless. And Murphy`s law says that data from a local machine will be needed exactly when the computer is not around. What to do?
Example. An accountant places 1C in the cloud, client-bank, Word and Excel documents, mail, and uses M.E.Doc to send reports from the cloud. They get access to all the work data from anywhere in the world and become truly mobile. By the way, they also do not worry about the physical safety of data, because a data center is located in Germany, and it is under the round-the-clock supervision of specialists.
By the way, if an accountant works with more than one company – it is also not a problem, you can put several databases in the cloud at once, and they will not interfere with each other's work.

In the next situation apart from an accountant, a company has several managers. How can be organized their collaboration in the cloud? By giving employees a point of access to the cloud – everything will work including a home PC or tablet. At the same time, access rights to different data can be configured individually.
Example. A company stores in the cloud everything that is used in its work: Word and Excel documents, 1C, mail, CRM. In general, everything that was previously stored on a local machine. By the way, peripherals (printer, scanner, cash register, etc.) are also launched from the cloud – this is not a problem. Once a manager decides to expand staff, they call their cloud provider and after a few minutes change their configuration of the cloud so that the connection of new users does not interfere with the quality of work.

Now imagine that apart from an accountant and managers, a company has a branch, a store, another division, and so on. In this case, the cloud is irreplaceable.
Example 1. The first store of the company is located in the capital, the second – in a large industrial center. The director moves an entire IT infrastructure to the cloud and connects both stores to a database. The result is that an accountant no longer needs to combine data from different cities together, and the branch employees can work according to the standards of the main enterprise because everyone uses common databases (in the realm of given access rights, of course).
Example 2. The company's managers travel around the country and sign contracts. The director and the accountant need to constantly monitor the process. To carry their workplaces with them, employees connect their laptops or tablets to the workspace and go "to the fields", and the manager tracks all transactions online.

- Configure the cloud. Each business has its specifics, so you need to configure the cloud individually. If you need the help of specialists, please contact us, we are always happy to help.
- The cloud is for work. Of course, you can save on the server a movie, a music album of your favorite artist, or an archive of photos with cats, but is it worth it? Leave entertainments for a local machine and use the cloud for work.
- Fewer tabs. Do not open a million tabs in the cloud and keep them open all the time – it overloads the processor.
- Change your passwords. At least occasionally change them and do not keep them written on a sticker next to the keyboard. A folder on your computer's desktop is also not the right place.
- Internet connection from 10 Mbit/s. Do not forget that you need the Internet to access the cloud. Its speed and stable operation are not the least factors.
- Love the cloud. Everyone needs care – man, machine, and even the cloud. Therefore, from time to time, check what is happening inside the server, whether everything is working as it should. Fix the slightest problems yourself or contact us.
We hope that our recommendations will help you get even more benefits from working in the cloud. Are you ready to start? We will always help and advise you. If you have any additional questions, please contact us for competent advice 24×7.